CADRI Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the primary decision making and advisory body. It sets priorities and oversees the CADRI Joint Programme implementation. The Board is composed of senior representatives of the CADRI Partner Agencies appointed at Directors’ level. It meets twice a year. It is chaired by the Managing Agent of the Pooled Fund and co-chaired by an Executive Partner agency, on a rotational basis.
CADRI Programme Assurance Group
The CADRI Programme Assurance Group (PAG) provides technical guidance and inputs in support of the implementation of the CADRI Joint Programme and advises the Board of Directors. The PAG consists of senior technical representatives nominated by the CADRI Partner Agencies.
CADRI Secretariat
The CADRI Secretariat is responsible for the management and implementation of the CADRI Joint Programme. The Secretariat consists of dedicated professional staff at global and regional level as well as staff seconded by the Executive Partners agencies on a part time basis.