Eastern & Southern Africa
Comoros is vulnerable to hydrometeorological type hazards, tropical storms, floods, rising ocean water levels, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, epidemics of cholera, malaria and typhoid fever. More recently, the country is faced with active seismicity and the start of underwater volcanoes going to an altitude of 800m and a depth of 3,500m, located about 50 km east of the Mahorese coast. Given the high vulnerability of individuals and communities, the consequences of these risks often lead to disasters causing loss of life, destruction of property as well as environmental degradation.
In 2018, the Government called upon the CADRI Partnership to support a diagnosis of national and local capacities in disaster risk reduction. The capacity diagnosis provides key recommendations for strengthening national and local capacities to manage disaster and climate risk in seven sectors: agriculture and food security, nutrition, health, WASH, environment, education and tourism. Gender equality and women empowerment have been considered as a key strategy to reduce the country vulnerability to disaster and climate risk. The diagnosis informed the updating of the National DRR Strategy and National Action Plan.

- French
Comoros - Capacity Diagnosis Report
1 Nov 2020