Western & Central Africa
In Mauritania, food insecurity and overall vulnerability are results of recurring natural hazards like droughts and floods, increasing food prices and overall scarcity of resources. The country continues to host Malian refugees, whose return is contingent upon restoring peace and security in Northern Mali. Weak access to water and hygiene aggravates the spread of epidemics, particularly the rainy season. The agriculture and livestock sectors are highly vulnerable to climate change, locust invasions and pest infestations.
In 2013, at the government request, the CADRI Partnership facilitated a national DRR capacity assessment exercise with a strong emphasis on preparedness for emergency response and institutional arrangements. The prioritization process supported by the CADRI Partnership resulted in the articulation of a National Action Plan to strengthen Capacities in DRR, Preparedness and Emergency Response (2015-2018).

- French
Mauritania - National Plan 2015-2018
15 Apr 2015 - French
Mauritania - Capacity Diagnosis Report
15 May 2014