Western & Central Africa
Burkina Faso is exposed to multiple natural hazards and is particularly vulnerable to severe droughts, locust invasions, storms, and floods. Other types of disasters that regularly affect the country include meningitis epidemics, avian influenza and massive population movements. As a corollary of this type of risk, food insecurity and malnutrition affect a large part of the population. The impact of these risks is expected to increase over time.
In 2014, the Government mobilized the CADRI Partnership to facilitate an assessment of disaster risk reduction capacities. The diagnosis puts a special emphasis on disaster education from primary to tertiary education. It considers six other socio-economic sectors: environment, water resources management, agriculture and food security, nutrition, health, and social protection, with gender equality as cross cutting. The prioritization process supported by the CADRI Partnership resulted in the articulation of a National Action Plan for Capacity Building for DRR and Preparedness for Response (2016-2020), based on the recommendations from the capacity assessment.

- French
Burkina Faso - National Plan 2016-2020
15 Jul 2015 - French
Burkina Faso - Mission report
1 Jul 2015 - French
Burkina Faso - Capacity Diagnosis Report
8 Mar 2015