Western & Central Africa
Guinea is a country prone to various hazards such as floods, droughts, storms and epidemics. Guinea was one of the three countries in the region that was affected by the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). Guinea already suffers recurring floods during the rainy season and climate change is likely to alter rainfall patterns in a manner that exacerbates this challenge. About six percent of Guinea’s population lives in low-lying areas that are vulnerable to the consequences of rising sea levels, which is already evident along the coasts.
In 2016, as part of the national post-Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) recovery strategy, the UN System (UNS) in Guinea requested the deployment of a CADRI multidisciplinary team to facilitate an assessment on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and preparedness capacities. The assessment articulates the broad lines of a National Programme for Disaster Management and Resilience.

- French
Guinea - Capacity Diagnosis Report
15 May 2016 - English
Guinea - Country Story
15 Apr 2016 - French
Guinea - National Plan
15 Apr 2016