Western & Central Africa
The cumulative effects of disasters, armed conflict and widespread insecurity are causing massive displacement of populations and food insecurity. Drought, driven by uneven distribution of water resource, climate change, and weak governance pose a recurring risk to the country economy and livelihoods, notably in the Southern region due to the dependency on small scale traditional rain-fed agriculture. Flooding poses a threat to lowland and urban areas with 500,000 people affected every year.
In 2011, at the government request, the CADRI Partnership facilitated a DRR capacity assessment with an emphasis on preparedness for emergency response and institutional arrangements. Due to the political crisis of March 2012, the findings and recommendations of the capacity assessment were only validated by the government in 2015.
- French
Mali - Capacity Diagnosis Report 2015
15 Sep 2015 - French
Mali - Capacity Diagnosis Report 2012
11 Jan 2012