Eastern & Southern Africa
Botswana is a landlocked country within Southern Africa with a relatively small population of more than two million. The country faces elevated levels of poverty and inequality, especially in rural areas and the southern part of the country. Drought is a recurrent countrywide phenomenon and it is estimated that the country is affected by drought seven years out of ten. Floods also occur on a regular basis during the rainy season. Botswana is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change due to its high dependence on rain-fed agriculture and natural resources and high levels of poverty. The challenges are centered around water resource availability, changing precipitation patterns and increasing population demands.
In 2018, the Government requested CADRI Partnership support to facilitate a diagnosis of the disaster risk management system with a focus on integrating climate and disaster risk information. A CADRI inter-agency scoping mission has defined the scope, thematic focus, and identified the most vulnerable sectors: water resource management, tourism and environment, agriculture and food security, health, social protection, education, mining, construction and urban planning, and human mobility as a cross cutting issue. The capacity diagnosis has not been completed yet.