Eastern & Southern Africa
Burundi is a country prone to drought, floods, storms, landslides, forest fires, epidemics and earthquakes. The northern and central provinces are at particular risk from persistent drought, while the plains are prone to frequent flooding. The capital city, Bujumbura, is exposed to fluvial erosion due to desertification caused by environmental degradation. The projected impact of climate change will further threaten food security and water availability. The risks are highest during the long dry season, which has been increasingly extending during past decades and is projected to get drier and hotter due to climate change.
In 2013, at the request of the government and UN Country Team, the CADRI Partnership deployed a multi-disciplinary mission to facilitate a capacity assessment in disaster risk reduction considering three key sectors: environment, water resource management and land use, and agriculture. Based on the recommendations of the capacity assessment, the CADRI Partnership supported the Government develop a National Plan of Action for Capacity Development in Disaster Risk Reduction, Preparedness and Emergency Response (2013 - 2016).

- French
Burundi - National Plan 2013-2016
1 Aug 2013 - French
Burundi - Capacity Diagnosis Report
1 Jul 2013