Europe & Central Asia
Armenia lies in one of the most seismically active regions in the world. Earthquakes have affected large numbers of people and caused significant economic losses over the past twenty years. A high degree of urbanization (around 64%) contributes to disaster risks, particularly of seismic nature, in cities. Meteorological hazards include floods, mudslides, and debris flows which threaten half of the country’s territory, mainly in medium-altitude mountainous areas. The risk of technological disasters is also significant, as there are around 26 hazardous chemical sites in the country that use ammonium, chlorine, chloric acid, nitric acid, etc. Climate change is expected to amplify the frequency and intensity of meteorological hazards and a shift in the beginning, peak and duration of hydrological drought and flood periods is projected.
In 2010, at the government request, the CADRI Partnership facilitated a self-assessment of national capacities to manage and reduce disaster risk through extensive stakeholder consultations. Based on the recommendations of the self-assessment process, an action plan for capacity development was developed to strengthen the DRR system in Armenia. The action plan paved the way for significant investment in the DRM system including the development of a national strategy for DRR, the establishment of a new system-wide monitoring and evaluation system, and the set-up of a National Disaster Observatory.

- English
Armenia - Capacity Diagnosis Report
1 Feb 2010