The e-catalogue is the outcome of 18 CADRI partners joining forces to map the training resources of UN and civil society agencies in disaster risk reduction and to make this inventory publicly accessible on a digital hub on the new CADRI website.
As part of its offer of capacity development services, the CADRI partner agencies consolidate current and readily available training modules in disaster risk reduction across sectors and themes as one integrated offer.
Our offer
The CADRI partners’ training e-catalogue builds on the complementarity of expertise of its member agencies to offer its users a one-stop entry point to custom search and access training resources for targeted capacity development in disaster risk reduction functions like risk information or preparedness for response and recovery. At the same time, the inventory creates the gateway for the CADRI Partnership to custom tailor and facilitate a CADRI training package at the request of a government or UN country team.
Today, the e-catalogue features 173 modules in 10 different languages and supported by 7 different delivery modalities, including online, hybrid, and in-person training. In addition to the host agency, language, delivery modality, and target audience, users can filter the modules by selecting the sector or theme of the training content. Most of the available training modules target national and local governments, including NDMA and sectoral ministries. However, UN staff, civil society organizations, local communities, and the private sector can also benefit from the wide-ranging offer of training resources.
Are you interested in training in mainstreaming DRR in the Agriculture sector in English or training modules in preparedness planning in the protection cluster that are available in Russian? Then check out what the CADRI members have to offer on our e-catalogue. You find this integrated UN & Civil Society offer of DRR training modules useful? Spread the word!