The COVID-19 pandemic has led us to innovate and find new ways to continue to deliver our services. The capacity diagnosis exercise conducted in Senegal is an example of how, together with our government counterparts, we have adapted to the circumstances.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the engagement in Senegal has differed substantially from traditional capacity diagnosis processes. First of all, the assessment team was exclusively composed of in-country experts from the Government, the UN System, the IFRC, and other partners, with remote support from the CADRI Secretariat. The assessment team implemented a hybrid approach which combined in-person interviews at capital level in December and virtual interviews from 15 January onwards, as the pandemic situation deteriorated in the country.
Following our experience in Senegal, we have drawn the following lessons learned for future hybrid diagnoses:
- Investing time in building the capacity of the capacity diagnosis team (whether national or international) as well as the government in CADRI's process and methodology is critical to effectively deliver services.
- Remaining flexible in the face of unforeseen events (i.e. the cancellation of field trips) and coming up with innovative solutions is essential to ensure satisfactory results, regardless of the circumstances.
- Mobilizing dedicated communications expertise to support the team in the diagnosis process is necessary to provide adequate visibility to the project.
- Reducing the number of sectors to be assessed enables the CADRI team to conduct a more in-depth diagnosis and analysis.
Despite multiple challenges ranging from internet connectivity to difficulties to truly engage some interviewees, this hybrid approach brings new opportunities for CADRI’s future country engagements. This experience has demonstrated the value of relying on local expertise to apply a tested methodology with reliable results. Learning from this experience, the CADRI Partnership will continue to improve the way it delivers services to countries.