In June – December 2021, a series of webinars targeting technical experts in Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, Emergency response, Health, Environment, Infrastructure, Water and Sanitation, Nutrition, Agriculture and Food Security, Cultural Heritage, Education and Human Mobility are organised in seven regions.
In 2020, the CADRI Partners joined forces to develop a digital tool to support governments identify integrated solutions to manage multi-dimensional climate and disaster risks through a right-based approach. The CADRI digital tool for capacity diagnosis and planning – which will be made available to governments in late 2021 – offers a package of general and sector-specific modules with a methodology for identifying the right policies, systems, technologies, investments, methodologies and skills required to build resilient societies. The CADRI digital tool was supported by the Government of Luxembourg.
The digital functionalities enable a collaborative process with multiple country stakeholders, including the government, the civil society and the private sector, to identify and prioritise investment in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. It enables participative needs identification and planning through virtual engagement modalities. By selecting the prevalent hazards and vulnerabilities in the country, and the key socio-economic sectors, the digital functionalities allow to customise the capacity diagnosis methodology to the country risk profile.
The first cycle of webinars in June-September provided a general introduction to the tool digital functionalities and was attended by more than 150 participants. The second cycle of webinars in October-November offers a tutorial on how to use the digital functionalities for CADRI experts deployed on an inter-agency country mission or for CADRI experts to apply a sector module for a specific sector capacity diagnosis. The third cycle of webinars in December will offer a training on how to operationalise the Leaving No One Behind principles and Conflict sensitivity in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation.
Webinar cycle 1 - General introduction to the tool digital functionalities:
Europe and Central Asia webinar 11th June - Click here to watch the recorded event
Eastern and Southern Africa webinar 25th June - (Click here to watch the recorded event)
Asia Pacific 6th September - (Click here to watch the recorded event)
Western and Central Africa webinar 9th September (Click here to watch the recorded event)
Middle East and North Africa webinar 22nd September (Click here to watch the recorded event)
Latin America and Caribbean webinar 19th October
Find us on Twitter to have the link and access the webinars!