International Disaster Risk Reduction Day

International Disaster Risk Reduction Day

This year’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) reminded us of the important role that good disaster risk governance plays in protecting people from the impact of disasters. COVID-19 has revealed the inadequacy of our systems to deal with such crises, but it also offers governments an opportunity to reassess their risk governance approaches, not only in terms of organizational structure and systems to manage systemic risk but also in their ability to create an enabling environment for private sector and civil society to play their part in reducing disaster risk and adapting to a changing climate.

The CADRI Partnership Digital Capacity Diagnosis and Planning tool will support countries that embark on a risk governance review to better understand and address multi-dimensional risks and increase accountability and transparency.

On International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction the CADRI Partnership participated in a virtual event organized by FAO and UNDRR on the importance of good disaster risk governance to help build resilient agriculture and food systems. Check out our CADRI story in Jordan highlighting why risk governance analysis is key to advance risk-informed planning. On the same day, the CADRI Capacity Diagnosis Report was presented to the Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius by the UN Resident Coordinator.