On 21 February 2022, the CADRI capacity diagnosis mission was launched in the Kyrgyz Republic following the scoping mission in June 2021.
The two-week capacity diagnosis is supported by a multi-disciplinary team of 11 international experts from UNDP, UNICEF, FAO, UNFPA, UNDAC and the CADRI Secretariat, who will work together with the 15 UN Country Team experts, including FAO, OCHA, UNDP, UNICEF, WFP, UNFPA, WHO. 12 representatives from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MoES) have been deployed to lead the comprehensive diagnosis.
The diagnosis covers six sectors prioritized by the government, including agriculture and food security, environment, health, social protection, WASH, education, and infrastructure.
The mission started with a meeting with the UN Resident Coordinator (UNRC), Ozonnia Ojielo, who highlighted the importance of the capacity diagnosis to enhance country systems in the context of multi-dimensional risk and emphasized that the UN Country Team fully supports the process for the benefit of the people of the Kyrgyz Republic.
On February 22, the mission members met the First Deputy Minister of Emergency, Mr. Mambetov. He confirmed the commitment of the Ministry of Emergency to lead the process of the capacity diagnosis and their further efforts to implement the recommendations that will be identified during the capacity diagnosis. The capacity diagnosis will provide a comprehensive overview of the strengths and gaps in the disaster risk management system in the six sectors and help identify actionable recommendations that will be integrated into the national policy documents and development frameworks.