Welcome to UNICEF Gender Equality Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action playlist with Interactive Game! This playlist has been specifically designed to help you develop your understanding of the three commitments on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls and how gender is mainstreamed across various sector CCCs commitments.
With this playlist you will be able to integrate gender into the UNICEF humanitarian programming and advocacy that you support in order to ensure more effective, inclusive and quality programming, that reaches the full diversity of girls and boys, including the least likely to access services and face the greatest risks.
Learning objectives:
On completion of this playlist you will:
- Understand how gender equality has been reflected in the CCCs and in UNICEF’s approach to humanitarian action.
- Distinguish between gender-specific standalone commitments and integration of gender across sectors i.e gender mainstreaming.
- Confident to apply the Gender Equality CCCs when you are supporting a humanitarian response.
- Confident to use the CCCs to engage local NGOs, women and affected population/groups.
- Motivated to improve your skills further
Be able to:
- Practice how to engage with local organizations representing adolescent girls, women’s rights, and youth to gather a better understanding of the situation on the ground and as a step to designing the most appropriate response.